Building Enclosures




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Building enclosure commissioning (BECx) requirements vary by owner and municipality, and individual project objectives may drive additional requirements. Achieving the desired building enclosure performance relies on an experienced team that can understand the goals and reflect on them through the project’s design and construction. As a pioneer in building enclosure technologies, SGH’s expertise encompasses a wide range of materials and assemblies. Our experience designing, investigating, testing, and rehabilitating building enclosures allows us to offer thoughtful and holistic advice to the project team to help them plan for and execute the commissioning process.

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Our firm is helping define and establish standards for building enclosure commissioning services by publishing and presenting on best practices and lessons learned and serving as members and chairs creating industry guidelines, such as ASTM E2947 – Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning. Additionally, SGH staffhold professional building enclosure commissioning qualifications, such as:

  • Building Enclosure Commissioning Process Provider (BECxP) certificates
  • Commissioning Authority + Building Enclosure (CxA+BE) certificates
  • LEED Green Associate and LEED AP credentials
  • Passive House Designer certifications

SGH can serve as a project’s Building Enclosure Provider (BECxP) and is also qualified to help project teams achieve specific performance certifications, such as Passive House Institute US (PHIUS+) or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).


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Building enclosure commissioning should include ongoing efforts to verify the owner’s project requirements (OPR) are considered and implemented throughout all phases of the project. SGH works closely with the project team to help them achieve the desired building enclosure performance through design, construction, and operation. Highlights of the important project milestones include:

  • Pre-design: helping the owner define their goals in the (OPR) and preparing a BECx plan outlining the scope, organization, schedule, allocation of resources, responsibilities, testing, and required documentation.
  • Design: reviewing the basis of design and design documents to verify alignment with the established OPR and how the project team will assess and test performance.
  • Pre-construction: reviewing requests for information, addenda, and bids related to the building enclosure and meeting with the team to establish project expectations that will help them achieve the OPR.
  • Construction: reviewing submittals, observing the building enclosure as it is being constructed and tracking open items, and witnessing performance testing or mockups and as-built assemblies to confirm the design was implemented as intended.
  • Post-occupancy: visiting the site after construction when required for specific certifications or to confirm the building is still performing as expected, and recommending a routine assessment and maintenance program.