San Francisco, CA
San Francisco Ferry (WETA) Terminal Expansion Project
The San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority undertook the Downtown San Francisco Ferry Terminal Expansion Project to upgrade the terminal facilities and expand ferry service, including travel from San Francisco to Richmond and Treasure Island. The project includes renovating an existing passenger gate, constructing new ferry gates and vessel berthing facilities, and improving the landside amenities.
SGH served as the structural engineer of record for the project and worked with the project owner to provide technical assistance during the permitting process, including helping them develop a seismic instrumentation plan. We designed the following structures:
- A 400 ft long pile-supported promenade with three new ferry gates
- A 12,000 sq ft pile-supported plaza featuring a granite relief map of the San Francisco Bay
- A 106 ft pedestrian bridge
- Other related appurtenances and topside structures
Project Summary
Repair & Rehabilitation
Infrastructure & Transportation
Roma Design Group
Specialized Capabilities
Repair & Strengthening | Marine & Civil Works
Key team members
William Bruin
Structural Engineering Division Head, San Francisco Bay Area
Additional Projects
Natgun Water Storage Tanks
SGH developed a seismic design procedure for the domes and peer reviewed the tank designs. We used the procedure to design a number of tanks constructed in high seismic regions.
Sonoma County Water Agency, Transmission System Pipeline
The Sonoma County Water Agency manages a regional water supply. The agency needed to understand the condition of their aging transmission system pipelines to help identify deterioration and plan for repairs. SGH performed petrographic and metallurgical analyses on extracted pipeline coupons.