Putting ASCE standards into practice

ASCE produces more than 70 standards, including its most popular, ASCE 7-22 Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, and its most recent ASCE/UESI/CI 75-22 Standard Guideline for Recording and Exchanging Utility Infrastructure Data.
And those standards all look impressive and substantial sitting on any civil engineer’s bookshelf. But ultimately, they function best when they are put into practice.
Ronald Hamburger, P.E., S.E., F.SEI, senior principal of Simpson Gumpertz & Heger in San Francisco, and chair of the ASCE 7 Standards Committee for more than a decade, talked recently to Civil Engineering Source about the continued effort to help put standards into practice, including key updates on ASCE 7-22’s adoption into the International Building Code and ASCE’s new Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange forum.
ASCE Civil Engineering Source