Boston, MA
Central Artery Tunnel Project Leakage Investigation
The Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) Project relocated Boston’s elevated Central Artery below ground. Systemic water leakage at the tunnel roof to slurry wall intersection created a long-term corrosion threat to the roof girders and caused widespread ice buildup at the roof level in the winter. SGH investigated the causes of leakage and assisted Modern Continental Construction (Modern) with locating and quantifying the leakage as part of their remediation efforts.
SGH reviewed project documents, conducted a field investigation, and determined that the leakage was inherent to the slurry wall system. We assisted Modern with developing methods to address the leakage and presented our findings to help the associated parties reach resolution and move forward with repairs.
During the repair phase, SGH supported the system-wide observation of each roof bay’s condition. We documented existing conditions and noted leakage, if any. SGH designed repairs to mitigate leakage and strengthen certain areas of the panels. We also helped Modern address special conditions that arose during the repair work and evaluated the repair performance over time.
Project Summary
Key team members