Boston, MA
Archdiocese of Boston, Multiple Condition Assessments
With a need to evaluate more than 100 properties with a total of 200 individual structures, the Archdiocese of Boston asked SGH to develop and implement a condition assessment program that provided them with easy access to information about their buildings. The Archdiocese also sought to determine repair and maintenance priorities to take advantage of economies of scale by including multiple projects under single repair contracts.
For this project, SGH developed a condition assessment database program for logging and prioritizing the condition of components or systems with cost estimates for maintenance, repairs, and upgrades. We led teams of design professionals to provide an overall picture of all aspects of the buildings, including mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, waterproofing, and structural.
SGH determined and categorized the urgency of repairs and estimated repair quantities for use in cost estimation. We used our proprietary program to standardize and accelerate field data recording, prioritize repairs, develop anticipated repair costs, and summarize immediate to long-term requirements across multiple structures. From the program, we generated building-specific reports for use at the building-manager level. The reports served as a log of building components/systems and their performance along with repair, deferred maintenance, and capital needs.
Project Summary
Key team members