Dallas, TX
White Rock North, Water Transmission Main Failure Investigation
The White Rock North Water Transmission Main is a 17 mi, 84 in. dia. prestressed concrete cylinder pipeline, embedded cylinder type, which delivers approximately 200 million gallons per day of treated water. SGH was hired as a subconsultant to Halff Engineers to perform a failure investigation of the transmission main after a pipe segment ruptured.
SGH performed a failure investigation involving the following:
- Hydraulic analysis
- Soil and geotechnical tests
- Corrosion potential surveys
- Stress analysis of pipe
- Chemical and petrographic analysis of mortar coating
- Scan electron microscopy/energy dispersion spectroscopy of mortar coating
- Mechanical testing and metallurgical analysis of prestressing wire and steel cylinder
- Inspection of failed and adjacent pipes
SGH also determined that carbonation of the mortar coating was extensive and variable around the pipe circumference and that the likely primary cause of the rupture of the pipe was carbonation of the mortar coating from acidic groundwater.
Project Summary
Failure Investigation | Repair & Rehabilitation
Advanced Analysis | Applied Science & Research
Infrastructure & Transportation
Halff Associates, Inc.
Specialized Capabilities
Buried Infrastructure | Failure Analysis | Physical Testing | Materials Science | Microscopy
Key team members

Additional Projects
SkyHouse Dallas Parking Deck
The Skyhouse Dallas comprises a high-rise apartment building and adjoining eight-level parking garage. During construction of the precast, prestressed concrete parking structure, the project team observed cracks and spalling in several lightweight concrete double tees. SGH was retained by the general contractor to peer review proposed repairs by others.
Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport
Built in 1969, the twelve main terminal gates at Little Rock National Airport were handling nearly three times the intended number of flights for the original design. SGH provided structural and seismic engineering for both the renovations and new construction.