Baltimore, MD
Walters Art Museum
The Walters Art Museum offers visitors views of art from around the world with a collection that spans many centuries. SGH investigated below-grade leakage at the Cathedral Street addition after museum staff observed leakage following renovations undertaken between 1998 and 2000. Following this work, SGH also investigated leakage into the main entrance atrium.
Below-grade leakage. The museum is constructed in an area where the existing groundwater table is within close proximity of the ground surface. The Cathedral Street addition renovation work involved the installation of underslab mechanical piping that required penetrations in the existing built-up waterproofing membrane positioned between the concrete slab and a concrete topping slab. After the renovation work, the museum staff noticed water percolating up through floor finishes. SGH investigated the condition of the existing waterproofing membrane and self-adhered membrane patches that were installed during the renovation work. We determined that the installed patches were not effective and permitted groundwater to infiltrate to the interior. SGH provided repair recommendations to The Walters Art Museum for their consideration and implementation.
Main entrance atrium leakage. SGH investigated leakage into the main entrance atrium of the museum. Our investigation included a survey of the atrium ceiling, atrium exterior and roof, and adjacent sloped roof gutter system; water testing the atrium roof, flashings, and gutter system; and partially disassembling flashing and gutter components to locate the source of leakage. We worked with a roofing contractor on behalf of The Walters Art Museum to implement our recommended repairs and provided construction administration services that included observations and documentation of as-installed work.
Project Summary
Key team members