Wilmington, CA
Liquid Bulk Terminal Replacement
The aging marine oil terminal exceeded its design life and did not comply with the applicable seismic and berthing standard. The port, the ultimate owner of the marine structures, and the terminal operator undertook a project to replace the terminal. SGH assisted the terminal operator by reviewing concept designs by others, developing topside layouts, establishing design criteria, and subsequently designing and preparing construction documents for the terminal replacement.
SGH collaborated with terminal staff, local marine contractors, and the port to identify operational goals, develop project design criteria, and review terminal structure design concepts by others. Working with the oil terminal operator, we then helped develop topside layouts and new concept designs for replacing the terminal structure. Highlights of our work include the following:
- Developed basis of design for replacing the marine terminal
- Evaluated MOTEMS compliance for the proposed concepts and continued to evaluate compliance of the final concept throughout the design process
- Designed a new loading platform, approach trestle, and mooring and berthing dolphins
- Vetted various vessel mooring arrangements
- Conducted marine terminal operational reviews
- Helped develop the design for cargo hose storage
- Explored various topside layout and pipeline alignment schemes
- Supported the environmental review process
We also evaluated value-engineering proposals, collaborated with the project team to evaluate construction methods and approaches, and recommended ways to minimize terminal downtime during the work.
Project Summary
Key team members