March 15, 2024

SGH Nuclear Structural Engineering Experts Participate in SMiRT 27 Conference in Japan

SGH Nuclear Structural Engineering Experts Participate in SMiRT 27 Conference in Japan

Several Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH) team members recently participated in the proceedings at the 27th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 27) from 3-8 March in Yokohama, Japan. Based on the theme, “Next Generation Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology,” the conference convened experts from across the nuclear power industry to discuss ways to improve worldwide nuclear safety, long-term operation, communication between regulatory authorities and industries, and standardization of reactor-independent codes and standards.

SGH's Christopher Hewitt, Mohamed Talaat, Fred Grant, Tim Graf, Abhinav Anup, and Kaniel Tilow at SMiRT 27 in Yokohama, Japan.

SGH’s Abhinav Anup, Tim Graf, Fred Grant, Christopher Hewitt, Mohamed Talaat, and Kaniel Tilow attended the conference in person. Several SGH team members representing divisions across the United States presented and contributed to papers in the proceedings.

Presentation Title Session SGH Authors & Presenters (*)
Risk-Informed Design of a Seismic Isolation System for Advanced Nuclear Power Plants Seismic Response of Building Mohamed Talaat
Seismic Fluid-Structure Interaction in Advanced Reactor Vessels: A First-of-a-Kind Experimental Program FSI Benjamin Kosbab
Kaniel Tilow
The Ridgecrest, California, M7.1 Earthquake of July 5, 2019: Effects on Selected Power and Industrial Facilities within the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station Structures Response (1) Riccardo Cappa
Greg Hardy
Cameron Sanford
Practical Integrated Framework to Perform Multi-Unit PRA Including Seismic Fragility Correlation MUPSA/PRA and Multi Hazards Mohamed Talaat*
Seismic Responses of Base-Isolated Nuclear Power Plants with Considerations Of Impact Design for Earthquake and Tsunami Benjamin Kosbab Payman Tehrani
Applications for Precast Concrete in Impact-Rated Walls at Nuclear Facilities Missile Impact and Debris Flow Christopher Hewitt*
Kaniel Tilow
Risk-Informed Performance-Based Design Methods for External Hazards: Advanced Reactor Design Example for a Seismic Hazard (Phase II) Seismic/Impact Design (1) Siavash Dorvash
Mohamed Talaat
Riccardo Cappa
Fred Grant*
Abhinav Anup
Seismic Assessment Guidelines for Structures, Systems, and Components Classified as Risk Informed Safety Categorization No. 3 (RISC-3) per 10 CFR 50.69 Seismic/Impact Design (2) Tim Graf*
Riccardo Cappa
Greg Hardy
Risk-Informed Displacement Criteria for Designing Seismic Isolation Systems without a Stop Seismic Isolation Kaniel Tilow*
Asa Bassam
Benjamin Kosbab
Practical Implementation Recommendations for Aircraft Impact Load Development and Equipment Shock Assessment Impact (5) Mohamed Talaat*
Robert MacNeill
Nicholas Catella
Keng-Wit Lim
Kaniel Tilow
Case Study Investigating Probabilistic and Deterministic Sampling Methods for Developing In-Structure Response Spectra: Phase III Fragility Abhinav Anup*
Andrew Appelbaum
Reza Filizadeh
Riccardo Cappa
Fred Grant
Digital Twin Applications for Advanced Reactors: Summary of EPRI 3002023904 and Ongoing Industry Efforts Additive Manufacturing/Digital Twin, IoT, Digital Application (1) Riccardo Cappa
Fred Grant*
Eliminating Soil-Structure-Interaction Analysis for Seismically Isolated Advanced Reactors Seismic/Impact design (4) Benjamin Kosbab
Improved Soil-Structure-Interaction Analysis Approach for Generating Realistic Vertical Component Floor Spectra SSI (4) Payman Tehrani

In addition, SGH’s Kaniel Tilow chaired the “Missile Impact and Debris Flow” and “Seismic Isolation” sessions, and Tim Graf co-chaired the “Seismic/Impact Design (2)” session.

Read more about SMiRT 27.