Bang for Your Buck: Capital Allocation Based on Real-World Data

Institutional Knowledge Seminar Series
With exponential advancements in technology and data collection, many institutional owners wonder: How can we better use our asset management and operational analytics to efficiently and effectively allocate resources? In response, a well-structured and user-friendly asset management data collection system can create strategic advantages in capital allocation, helping campus facility managers prioritize repairs and stretch limited budget resources. In this session, we will discuss these asset management data collection systems and share how project teams can decipher insights to help get the biggest bang for their prioritized buck.
After attending this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Understand how institutional organizations use asset management systems to allocate capital.
- Identify existing data sources currently captured in facility maintenance and repair projects.
- Discuss types of asset management data collection systems for campus buildings.
- Recognize how the data from these systems can help project teams prioritize projects and stretch limited budget resources.
Managing and Repairing Facilities in Washington, DC
For institutional owners and facilities managers with large portfolios of buildings, it can be a challenge to continuously maintain, inspect, prioritize, and repair campus structures. This is particularly the case in the Washington, DC, area, where owners often need to maintain monumental, mission-critical buildings. In this three-part educational series, experts from Simpson Gumpertz & Heger will share structural and building enclosure engineering perspectives to help institutions understand and overcome their facilities’ challenges. These sessions will be held in person on Thursday evenings throughout the fall, offering attendees both learning and networking opportunities at SGH’s Washington, DC, office.
See Parts One and Two of the series:
- Thursday, September 14: What Comes First? Balancing Safety and Deferred Maintenance Projects for Aging Buildings, presented by Scott Silvester and Joe Rogers
- Thursday, October 19: Keep the Change: Minimizing Change Order Impacts on Building Repairs and Renovations, presented by Emily Appelbaum and Nick Piteo