Design and Fabrication of Precast Segmental Concrete Foundations in the U.S. and Erection in the Remote Arctic

Designing structures in northern Greenland, where the environment consists of extremely cold temperatures, permafrost subgrade, and high wind speeds, presents a number of technical and logistical challenges. In this specific case study, procurement of construction materials in the United States, delivery to a multinational installation in Greenland, limited availability of construction equipment and materials, and a restrictive three-month summer construction season all contributed to a complex engineering and construction pursuit. This case study discusses how U.S.-based engineers successfully overcame these challenges by working closely with a domestic concrete precaster, domestic and foreign steel fabricators, and a foreign general contractor. The authors highlight several approaches that the design and construction teams implemented on this international project to satisfy the technical and logistical project constraints, with a focus on the precast foundation design, fabrication, and installation.
2013 Structures Congress, Proceedings of the 2013 Structures Congress, ASCE