Chord Rotation Capacity and Strength of Diagonally Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams

A database of results from 27 tests of diagonally reinforced concrete coupling beams was analyzed to develop improved force-deformation envelopes (backbone curves) for modeling and analysis of coupling beams. The database, which was selected from a larger set of 60 test results, comprises specimens that generally satisfy ACI 318-19 requirements. The analyses show that the chord rotation capacity of diagonally reinforced concrete coupling beams compliant with ACI 318-19 is closely correlated with beam clear span-to-overall depth ratio and, to a lesser extent, the ratio of hoop spacing to diagonal bar diameter. A simple expression is proposed for estimating beam chord rotation capacity. Coupling beam strength was shown to be more accurately estimated from flexural strength calculations at beam ends than other methods. Recommendations are made for obtaining more accurate backbone curves in terms of chord rotation capacity, strength, and stiffness.
ACI Structural Journal