A Simplified Approach for Calculation of Fluid Pressures on Pool Walls Due to Seismic Effects of Submerged Equipment Considering Non-Linear Equipment Sliding and Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis

Many nuclear facilities house reinforced concrete spent fuel pools that are used to process nuclear fuel prior to its long term storage. These water pools contain fuel storage racks that sit on the pool floor.
During a seismic event, the unbraced fuel storage racks undergo interaction with the surrounding fluid which results in fluid pressures on the pool walls that must be accounted for in design. In addition, the racks may slide during a seismic event and may subsequently impact the pool walls. This paper presents the seismic fluid-structure interaction (FSI) effects of these submerged storage racks on pool wall fluid pressures and rack sliding distance through parametric studies which consider variations in friction coefficient, rack flexibility, and rack mass. The results of these studies are used to develop a simplified approach to calculate design wall pressures that is applicable for unbraced equipment within the impulsive fluid zone. Additionally, the effects of various factors on rack sliding distances were studied.
Structures Congress 2019